I suppose at the heart of every great battle stands a
warrior looking for the nearest exit. He tugs at his helmet as the sweat drips
down his chin and soaks his chest. His armor is heavy and his fear heavier. He
knows that someone will die today. Will it be him? He stands at the ready,
spear in position and shield in place. He faces his enemy and prays with every
ounce of his strength, “Dear God, please do not let my death be in vain!”
I’ve had to reposition my armor lately because frankly, it’s
getting uncomfortable. The war I’m engaged in is intense. I am weary,
battle scarred, and discouraged. If I die tomorrow will the choices I have made
in this life bring any glory to God in the next? I can only hope and pray.
Perhaps the secret to fighting well is not so much in wearing the armor or standing on the front lines. Maybe it’s all about choosing to rise and forcing oneself to stand upright when surrender seems more appealing. Armor is certainly important and battles cannot be won without facing the opponent. Before victory can be achieved perhaps the warrior just needs to believe his legs are functional and will carry him where he needs to go. Maybe all I have to do is believe I can…
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Photo by Eric James Photography |
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