As long as we are in a battle we should rejoice. The enemy would not take this much interest in us if we were not a serious threat to cause of Christ. A big, red target on our forehead is a good thing. As much as it hurts, it means something amazing. We are being used by God and for God just as we are. The power that Christ has given us is strong enough to do immeasurable damage to our enemy and his agenda. The harder we fight to advance God’s kingdom, the more we should expect to face difficulties and challenges. Our adversary will stop at nothing to render us ineffective. If he can silence us in any way, the lost will not hear our voice and the saved will not have the needed support to keep fighting.
Stay awake, valiant warrior! Bind your wounds with the blood of Christ and rise above your hardships because your labor is not in vain. You are being used in God’s kingdom for great and mighty purposes. You have been called to reach the lost, to comfort your brothers and sisters, and to strengthen them with your unique gifts and abilities. Never give up and never back down. You are needed and you are worth your weight in gold.
Consider each attack on your body, mind, and spirit as medals of Honor for your cause. The greater you serve, the greater the threat you are. Again, rejoice!
“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:19
Looking to the God Who Sees You
2 hours ago
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